FAQ Help Center

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To avoid high storage and labor costs, our goods are located abroad. This allows us to offer you items at very competitive prices, while providing assistance in French.

Yes, you have 24 hours to place your order. Send us an email and we will cancel your order and refund you 100% of the amount.

We have a very large number of suppliers, when you place an order, the supplier will load the packages according to the weight of the package. (If a package exceeds the standard, we will separate the products) If you order several different (or the same) items, you will receive 1 or more different packages and they will arrive at different times (some will be faster, some slower).

Click the “TRACK ORDER” tab and enter the order number and email address you provided with your order. You’ll see if the status of the order is in “processed” or “unprocessed” mode.

We can deliver worldwide

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man and woman holding hands walking on seashore during sunrise
Photo by Asad Photo Maldives on Pexels.com

If your item gets damaged, send it back and you will be refunded.

Unfortunately, this is not possible, so be careful before placing an order if your item has different options.

E-mail: yuqingfreya@gmail.com

For the sake of speed, we don’t get phone calls. It takes a few seconds or minutes to process an email, while an average call takes a few minutes. To avoid taxes and to offer you the lowest prices, we only respond by e-mail. Know that we do not ignore anyone and respond quickly. If in doubt, give it a try.

Our site is completely secure and hosted by an HTTPS server that guarantees the protection of you and all your data.

We accept payment via Visa, Mastercard, and PayPal, these world leaders would never let us continue our store if we had a significant rate of dissatisfied customers. Our online store is constantly monitored.